Fake Windows Update

Fake Windows Update

4 minutes read

What is Fake Windows update?

Fake Windows updates are malicious softwares that disguises themselves as legitimate Windows update. They are mostly design to steal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers, or to install malware on your computer.

How to spot a fake windows update

Fake Windows update can appear very convincing, and they can be difficult to distinguish from real updates. However, there are few things you can look for to spot a fake windows update:

  • Poor grammar and spelling: Fake updates often have poor grammar and spelling errors.
  • Unfamiliar website: Real Windows update are always download from the Microsoft website. If you are prompted to download an update from a different website, it is most probably a fake update.
  • Unusual file size: Windows updates are typically large files, but they should not be too large. If you are prompted to download an update that is much larger than previous update, it is probably a fake one.
  • Unusual file name: Windows updates typically have file names that start with “KB” or “MSU”. If you are prompted to download an update with a different file name, it is probably a fake.
  • Suspicious activity on your computer: If you notice any unusual activity on your computer after downloading an update, such as slow performance, pop-up ads, or new programs that you did not install, it is possible that you have downloaded a fake update.

If you are not sure whether an update is legitimate, you should always be cautious and not download it. You should check the Microsoft official website to see if the update is real, or you can contact Microsoft support for assistance.

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How to protect yourself from a fake windows update

Here are some tips to help you protect yourself from fake Windows update:

  • Keep operating system of your Windows and security software up to date.
  • Use a reputable antivirus program to scan your computer for malware regularly.
  • Be cautious of emails and websites that prompt you to download Windows updates.
  • Only download updates from the Microsoft official website.
  • If you are not sure whether an update is legitimate or not, do not download it.

What to do if you downloaded a fake windows update?

If you think you have downloaded a fake Windows update, you should immediately disconnect your computer from the internet and take the following steps:

  • Run a full scan of PC/laptop with the antivirus installed in your system.
  • Remove any malware that is found.
  • Change passwords of all of your online accounts.
  • Contact Microsoft support for further assistance.

In addition to the above tips, here are some other ways to protect yourself from fake Windows updates:

  • Be careful about what you click on: Fake Windows updates are often distributed through phishing emails and malicious websites. Be careful everytime you click on links received in emails or whenever visiting websites which you are not familiar with.
  • Use a strong password manager: A password manager can help you create and manage strong passwords for all of your online accounts. This can help to protect your accounts from being compromise in case of a data breach.
  • Enable two-factor authentication: Two-factor authentication adds one more layer of security to your existing online accounts by prompting you to enter a code from your mobile phone along with your password when you are logging in.
  • Be aware about recent scams: Scammers are constantly coming up with new ways to trick people. Stay informed about the latest scams by reading security news and blogs.


In this article we discussed about fake Windows Update.

By following these tips, you can help to protect yourself from Windows update and other cyber threats

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