Windows Update Cleanup Guide

Windows Update Cleanup

4 minutes read

It might be time for Windows Update Cleanup if you’re out of disk space and have previously removed all the duplicate files, cleaned out your cache, and uninstalled pointless software.

Here is a thorough explanation of why it’s a good idea to delete Windows update files from your computer, along with instructions on how to do so.

What is Windows Update Cleanup?

Windows operating systems have a tool called Windows Update Cleanup that helps free up disk space by deleting extra files connected to Windows updates.

Temporary files, log files, and other data are created and kept on your system while your computer installs updates. These files have a tendency to multiply over time and eat up valuable disk space.

You can securely delete these useless files after the application examines your computer and finds them. You can free up disk space and possibly enhance system performance by deleting these files. It’s a quick and easy solution to maximize storage space and keep your computer working smoothly.

Important: Keep in mind that since Windows Update Cleanup deletes files linked to prior updates permanently, it should be used with caution. You won’t be able to remove those updates once they have been erased.

Reasons for Cleaning up Windows Updates

Performing a cleanup of Windows updates holds significant importance due to several reasons:

  • Efficient Disk Space Management: As time passes, temporary files, log files, and various data accumulate as a result of Windows upgrades. The removal of these files from your system contributes to the liberation of storage space on your disk.
  • Enhanced System Performance: The performance of a cluttered system burdened with unnecessary update files can be compromised. The deletion of these files may result in improved speed and efficiency for your computer.
  • Resolution of Update-Related Issues: In some instances, conflicts or corrupted files can lead to problems with Windows updates. Engaging in Windows update cleanup can aid in addressing these issues.
  • Reinforced System Security: Maintaining up-to-date Windows updates is crucial for ensuring the security of your system. By eliminating outdated or redundant update files, you contribute to a more secure system environment.

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How to Perform Windows Update Cleanup

Method 1: Use Disk Cleanup Utility

  • On your PC/Laptop, click on the Start menu and look for ‘Disk Cleanup’. In the search results, select and Click on the Disk Cleanup app.

Disk Cleanup

  • Choose the drive where your PC operating system is installed (it’s generally C drive for most users) and after that click on ‘ok’ button.

Windows Update Cleanup Guide

  • In the Disk Cleanup window, select the “Clean up system files” & click on it.

Windows Update Cleanup

  • After that select the drive again and click on the ‘ok’ button.

Files Updates Windows

  • After doing it, select the “Windows Update Cleanup” option from the list of files to delete.
  • And finally click on ‘ok’ button to start cleanup process. Patiently wait as it will take some time to complete the process.

Method 2: Use Storage Sense

  • Start by opening the Start menu and then go to ‘Settings’.

Windows Update Cleanup

  • Then the Settings window will open, after that you have to click on ‘System’ and then you have to select the Storage” from left sidebar.
  • After doing it enable ‘Storage Sense’ toggle switch if it’s not already switched on.

System Updates
STORAGE Windows Update Cleanup

  • And finally click ‘Configure Storage Sense or run it now.”

Windows Update Cleanup

  • And then navigate under ‘Temporary files’ section, and there tick the ‘Delete temporary files that my apps aren’t using’ option.

Change Windows Update Cleanup

  • And finally scroll down and click ‘Clean now’ option to initiate the cleanup process.

Method 3: Use the Command Prompt(for advanced users)

  • On your PC/Laptop, click on the Start menu and search for ‘Command Prompt’.

Update Cleanup

  • After that Right-click on the Command Prompt app and choose ‘Run as administrator’ option.

Windows Update Run as Administrator

  • When the Command Prompt window opens on it, write the following command cleanmgr /sageset:1 and hit the Enter key.

Windows Update Cleanup

  • Soon, a Disk Cleanup window will pop-up. Choose the ‘Windows Update Cleanup’ option and after that click on ‘OK’ button.
  • And then return to Command Prompt window and write the cleanmgr /sagerun:1 command and then press the enter key
  • Finally, wait for the cleanup process will start in few minutes

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