Guide to Installing JDK(Java Development Kit) on Windows

4 minutes read


The most important tool for everyone who wants to learn Java programming is the Java Development Kit (JDK). It offers the libraries and tools required to compile, execute, and debug Java code. Although installing the JDK on Windows may initially appear difficult, don’t worry. This post will provide you the knowledge on How to install JDK in windows.

how to install JDK in windows

Understanding Version Compatibility

It’s important to understand the differences between JDK versions. And make sure your operating system and development environment are compatible before starting the installation process. Visit on your browser to see the official Java SE Downloads page.

Here, you will find available versions of the JDK for Windows. Based on your requirements and the version’s compatibility with other programs you use, choose the right one. JDK 17 is now the suggested Long-Term Support (LTS) version.

Read More Blog – How to install Window 10/11 on PC

Download the JDK Installer

Click “Download” once you’ve selected the preferred version. This will cause your computer to download the relevant JDK installer file, which is usually a.msi file.

Preparation and Installation

Make sure you have administrator rights on your PC before starting the installer. This enables the installer to modify system files as needed.

  • Locate the downloaded .msi file: Go to the location where you saved the file, or your Downloads folder.
  • Double-click the .msi file: The JDK installation wizard will then open as a result.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions: You will get prompt to choose the installation directory. And accept the licensing agreement as the wizard leads you through the installation procedure.
  • Choose the installation features: You can choose the particular elements you require to personalize the installation. If you don’t need every component, you can conserve disk space this way.
  • Complete the installation: Click “Install” to start the installation procedure after you have evaluated the available options. The speed of your computer may determine how long this takes.
  • Configure environment variables:

You must set up your system environment variables to point to the JDK installation directory when the installation has finished. This makes it possible for your development tools to find the required files.

Setting Up Environment Variables how to install JDK in Windows

Here’s a detailed tutorial on configuring environment variables:

  • Open System Properties: To access the Start menu, right-click and choose “System.”
  • Navigate to Advanced system settings: Select “Advanced system settings” from the panel on the left.
  • Open the Environment Variables dialog: Then click on “Environment Variables” button.
  • Modify the System path: Locate the variable “Path” under “System variables.” Select “Edit.”
  • Add the JDK installation directory: Select “New” and then add the directory containing the JDK installation. Add this path, for instance, if you installed the JDK to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17.
  • Save changes: Clicking “OK” will save your modifications.
Java Development Kit

Verifying the Installation

By launching command prompt and entering the following command, you can confirm the installation after setting up the environment variables

java -version

This ought to show the JDK version that is installed, verifying that the installation went smoothly.

Also Read – Windows Update Cleanup 

Additional Resources

  • Oracle Java SE Documentation:
  • Java Tutorials:
  • JDK Download Page:

Troubleshooting Tips

Refer to the following sites if you run into any problems during installing:

  • Support for Oracle Java SE is available at .
  • And at Stack Overflow on The home to solution for any & all types of queries related to computers software or hardware.


Now that you have learned how to install JDK in Windows successfully. You can delve into the wide world of Java programming. Create your first Java application by starting with the Java Tutorials and experimenting with code samples. Never forget that practice, persistence, and a desire to learn are the cornerstones of mastery. So start learning to code, overcome all obstacles, and use Java’s strength to realize your creative visions.

Frequently asked questions

Q1: Is JDK download safe?

Ans: It is safe to keep Java on your computer. But be aware of different versions. And install only latest version. If you use antivirus program, you can also set it up to alert you when new Java versions get released.

Q2: Why do we install JDK?

Ans: The JDK offers the resources required to create Java programs that the JVM and JRE can run.

Q3: How to know if JDK is installed?

Ans: Enter “javac” at the command prompt, if a number of files start appearing, then software has installed.

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